This page provides a quick overview of 6 models of UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometers. Choose the model that best suits your analysis needs from compact spectrophotometers for routine analysis to advanced graphic spectrophotometers with high accuracy double monochromator.​



1. Summary of Product Features​





1 µL or 2 µL Nucleic Acid Quantitation​
Analysis can be performed with 1 µL (pathlength: 0.2 mm) or 2 µL (pathlength: 0.7 mm) samples.​

Easy Drop-and-Start Measurement
Automatic sample mounting eliminates the need for arm raising and lowering, and the automatic wiping feature makes wiping of the measurement sample unnecessary, enabling measurement of one sample after another.​​

Excellent Reproducibility and Measurement Accuracy​
High reproducibility is obtained even when measuring low concentration samples. High correlation is achieved with the measurement values provided with the double beam spectrophotometer.​





Easy to Operate​
The easy-to-see LCD and buttons enable user-friendly, intuitive measurement, instrument validation, and printing operations.​​​

A Variety of High-Level Measurement Modes​
Equipped with a range of programs, the UV-1280 can be used for everything from photometric, spectral, and kinetics measurements to DNA/protein and high-level multi-component quantitation.​

Data Storage on USB Flash Drives​
Using USB flash drives makes it easy to transport analysis data and to store large amounts of data in a PC.​

Immediately understandable user-friendly interface​
Color touch panel ergonomically designed for easy operability​

High performance that satisfies a wide variety of needs​​
Lowest stray light and noise in its class, with ultra-high-speed scanning capability​​

Even more advanced regulatory compliance​​
Enables easily performing tests compliant with pharmacopeia in respective countries (JP, USP, and EP).​​

Expandable UV-2600i Plus for reflectance measurements to near-infrared​
Bright optics support measuring a wide variety of samples, from liquids to solids.​
Optional ISR-2600Plus integrating sphere enables even near-infrared measurements from 220 to 1400 nm.​​

High-accuracy UV-2700i Plus captures even 0.000001 % (8 Abs) levels.​
UV-2700i double-monochromator design with ultra-low stray light diffraction grating enables measurements to high 8 Abs absorbance levels.
Measures samples ranging from highly concentrated samples to thin films, even capturing extremely slight light levels from samples with low transmittance characteristics.​​​​



UV-3600i Plus​

Highest sensitivity in class with three detectors​
In addition to PMT and PbS detectors, also includes an InGaAs detector for the near-infrared region to achieve high sensitivity in all wavelength regions. Large sample compartment and integrating sphere unit with three-detector capability enable high-sensitivity measurements of even solid samples.​

High resolution, ultra-low stray light, and wide measurement wavelength range​
Achieves high resolution (max. 0.1 nm) and ultra-low stray light (max. 0.00005 % at 340 nm)​​​

High sensitivity and wide measurement wavelength range​
Achieves high-sensitivity measurements in deep UV region below 190 nm or in near-infrared region.​
Enables measurements over a wide range, as wide as 165 to 3300 nm (using optional product).​​

Large sample compartment accommodates a wide variety of samples
Large samples up to 700 × 560 mm can be placed horizontally for each measurement.​
An absolute reflection measuring device and a variable angle measuring device are installed in the sample chamber for various measurements.​
In solid state measurement, a unique confocal optical system allows the selection of collimated and focused light.​​​​

2. Comparison Table


Model Control Measurement
Resolution/Wavelength Accuracy​ Monochromator​


Computer-controlled​ 220 to 800 nm​
Photo diode array​
Liquids ±1 nm Aberration-corrected concave blazed​
holographic grating​


Computer-controlled or LCD panel​ 190 to 1,100 nm​
Silicon photodiode​

UV-1900i​ Plus

Computer-controlled or color touch panel​ 1 nm/​
±0.1 nm(656.1 nmD2)​
±0.3 nm(for all regions)​
Aberration correction​
single monochromator with Czerny-Turner mounted low stray light diffraction grating

UV-2600i Plus/2700i Plus

Computer-controlled​ 185 to 900 nm
Photomultiplier tube​
220 to 1,400 nm​
(UV-2600i + ISR-2600Plus)​
electron multiplier +InGaAs photodiode​
Liquids or solids​ 0.1 to 5 nm/​​
±0.1 nm(656.1 nmD2)​​
±0.3 nm(for all regions)​
UV-2600i​ Plus
Single monochromator with​ Czerny-Turner mounted low stray light diffraction grating​
Double monochromator with Littrow and Czerny-Turner mounted low stray light diffraction grating​


185 to 3,300 nm​
Photomultiplier tube​
InGaAs photodiode​
Cooled PbS photoconductive element​
0.1 to 8 nm(UV-VIS region)​
0.2 to 32 nm(Near-infrared region)​
±0.2 nm(UV-VIS region)​
±0.8 nm(near-infrared region)​
2 × 2​
grating type​

SolidSpec-3700i DUV​

3700i: 240 to 2,600 nm​
(Direct detection unit: 190 to 3,300 nm)​
3700i DUV: 175 to 2,600 nm​
(Direct detection unit: 165 to 3,300 nm)​
Photomultiplier tube​
InGaAs photodiode​
Cooled PbS photoconductive element​
Liquids or​ large solids samples​

3. UV-i Selection lineup


UV-i Selection
  • intelligence​
    Improved Quality Control Productivity and Operators Freed from Repetitive Tasks​​
  • informatics​​
    Improved Productivity of Data Analysis Operations and Stronger Data Management​​
  • innovation​​
    Improved Administrative Productivity for High-Throughput Measurements​


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