UV-2600i / UV-2700i Plus UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

Research-grade UV-Vis spectrophotometers for a range of applications

The UV-2600i Plus and UV-2700i Plus are highly versatile instruments designed to precisely measure a wide range of samples.

UV-2600i Plus and UV-2700i Plus spectrophotometers deliver the precision you need to support a wide range of applications. With their broad range of measurements, they can capture highly absorbing samples and sub-nanometer bandwidths. As a result, they are well-suited for analyzing band gaps, optical coatings, thin films and biological samples, like DNA and proteins.

With LabSolutions UV-Vis software, you can also simplify data collection, analysis and compliance. The software automatically processes data, and can easily export to Excel for further analysis. It also stores data in a secure database, complying with ER/ES regulations, that mandate safe data storage.

Key Features

Key Features of the UV-2600i, UV-2700i UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
  • Lo-Ray-Ligh® grade diffraction grating improves precision
  • LabSolutions software complies with ER/ES regulations
  • Flexible attachments to perform many applications
  • Autosampler option to simultaneously analyze samples
  • Real-time data transfer to Excel for quick analysis
  • Analysis Sequence to ensure data integrity

Quick Specs

Wavelength Range
185 - 900 nm
220 - 1400 nm (UV-2600i Plus with ISR-2600Plus)

Photometric Range
-5 to 5 Abs (UV-2600i Plus)
-8.5 to 8.5 (UV-2700i Plus)

Spectral Bandwidth
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 nm

Stray Light
0.005% or less (220 nm, NaI) (UV-2600i Plus)
0.00005% or less (220 nm, NaI) (UV-2700i Plus)


Integrating sphere expands measurement range

  • Measure the wavelengths into near-infrared light

    The UV-2600i plus single monochromator with PMT can measure 185 - 900, but with the ISR-2600Plus ISR the wavelength range is expanded to 1400 with the addition of a NIR detector. The addition of the ISR improves S/N for diffusely reflecting/transmitting samples, enabling measurement of photovoltaic anti-reflective coatings and polycrystalline silicon wafers.

  • Integrating sphere expands
measurement range

Intuitive LabSolutions software for easy analysis

  • Spectral evaluation function automates quality control
  • Spectral evaluation function automates quality control

    The UV-2600i plus and UV-2700i plus spectrophotometers use LabSolutions UV-Vis software, supporting easy analysis. This software has four measurement modes: spectral, quantitative, photometric and time-course. In addition to measurements and analysis, the software also provides judgement results. with its spectral evaluation function, it can automatically perform calculations on the data and assign a pass/fail judgment to ensure quality control standards are met.

Double monochromator for precise measurements (UV-2700i Plus only)

  • Achieves Ultra-Low Stray Light, Enabling 8-Abs Measurements

    The UV-2700i Plus has a double monochromator that can measure ultra-low light levels. It offers more precision than standard double monochromators, which measure absorbance between 5 Abs and 6 Abs. The UV-2700i Plus (has a larger dynamic range and) can take measurements up to 8 Abs, with a transmittance value of 0.000001% (1 part in 100 million). This precision enables you to measure low-transmittance samples, like polarization films used in LCD panels. It can also measure high-concentration samples without the need for dilution.

  • Double monochromator for precise measurements
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