Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Introduces Three UV-Vis Spectrophotometers
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments announces the release of three UV-Vis spectrophotometers: the UV-1900i Plus, UV-2600i Plus, and UV-2700i Plus. Building on existing technology, these instruments offer a powerful blend of high-end performance and intuitive operation, making them suitable for a wide range of users and applications.
The three new systems are:
- The double-beam UV-1900i Plus, a rugged workhorse system designed for everyday use. The UV-1900i Plus offers ultra-low stray light at 0.5 % max. (198 nm), making accurate measurements possible at 1 Abs or more, even in the ultraviolet region, ultrafast scanning up to 29,000 nm/min, and resolution of 1 nm, the highest in its class. In addition, a refined user interface simplifies operation.
- The single monochromator UV-2600i Plus, equipped with Shimadzu’s proprietary LO-RAY-LIGH™ diffraction grating, achieves high efficiency and stray light levels as low as 0.005 %. By using the optional ISR-2600Plus Integrating Sphere attachment, the measurement wavelength range can be extended from 220 nm to 1400 nm, significantly expanding its applications.
- The UV-2700i Plus is a double monochromator system offering ultra-low stray light (0.00002 %). This model can measure high absorbance levels up to 8 Abs, allowing it to measure low transmittance levels in highly concentrated samples, films, or other samples with low transmittance characteristics.
All three systems incorporate Analytical Intelligence functions for improved operation. The Assist Function notifies the user when attempting to implement measurements without making necessary corrections, helping to ensure analyses are performed using the correct procedure. By specifying various evaluation criteria for measurement results, the Spectral Evaluation Function enables spectra judgments to be made automatically.
All three models utilize LabSolutions UV-Vis software, a robust platform with a simple design layout that enables even first-time users to perform operations easily. Database and client/server options, with robust data management and security features, are available to meet ER/ES regulations.