Impurities in gases, such as hydrocarbons, moisture and oxygen, can contaminate the gas line and instrument, cause column degradation and affect the accuracy of your analysis results, which may lead to instrument downtime.
Brevis™ GC-2050 Gas Chromatograph - Options
Space-Saving Gas Chromatograph
Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
The FlD shows good response for all organic compounds.
It is characterized by high robustness and a wide linear dynamic range
Minimum Detectable
Quantity (MDQ)< 1.5 pg C/s (dodecane) Linear dynamic range 1 × 107 (± 10 %) Max acquisition rate 2 ms (500 Hz) Maximum operating
temperature450 ℃ Automatic extinguishing
detection/reignitionStandard-compatible -
Flow rate settings Makeup (N2 or He) : 0 to 100 mL/min
H2 : 0 to 100 mL/min
Air : 0 to 1000 mL/min
Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)
The detector of choice for trace-level analysis of phosphorus (P), sulfur (S) and tin (Sn) compounds.
Minimum Detectable
Quantity (MDQ)< 55.0 fg P/s (tributyl phosphate) Minimum Detectable
Quantity (MDQ)< 2.5 pg S/s (dodecanethiol) Easy switching of luminous
filtersP, S, Sn Dynamic range Tributyl phosphate (P) : 1 × 104
Dodecanethiol (S) : 1 × 103Max acquisition rate 2 ms (500 Hz) Max operating temperature 450 ℃ -
Flow rate settings H2 : 0 to 250 mL/min
Air : 0 to 1000 mL/min
Electron Capture Detector (ECD)
The detector of choice for trace-level analysis of electrophilic compounds such as halogenated, organometallic and nitro compounds.
Minimum Detectable
Quantity (MDQ)< 4.0 fg/s (Lindane) Dynamic range 1 × 105 Max acquisition rate 2 ms (500 Hz) -
Max operating temperature 400 ℃ Flow rate settings ECD gas (N2, Ar) : 0 to 200 mL/min
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