Auto Injector/Auto Sampler for GC/GC-MS
Auto Injector/Auto Sampler
The AOC-20 Series is the perfect solution for automated analyses. Its proven reliability and reproducibility allows the user to take full advantage of the GC or GC/MS system capabilities.
Reproducibility and reliability are what make an auto injector valuable to a laboratory. Reproducibility can be adversely affected not only by less than optimum injection conditions, but...
Attachment and removal is easy.
The AOC-20s Auto Sampler carousel and robotic arm provide for sample transport to the AOC-20i Auto Injector using 1.5 mL and 4.0 mL vials.
News / Events
ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry) 2025
June 1-5
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MD -
March 3-5
Boston Convention Center
Boston, MA -
Shimadzu’s New Next-Generation GCMS Provides Outstanding Sensitivity, Stability and Speed
SOFT 2022
October 30 - November 4
Cleveland Convention Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Booth # 714
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments and PACE Analytical Services Develop New Alternative Test Procedure to EPA Method 1613B