IRTracer-100 FTIR Spectrophotometer
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer
Combining high speed, sensitivity and resolution with enhanced expandability and easy-to-use FTIR software, the IRTracer-100 FTIR spectrophotometer is your answer for research and development. In addition to carrying out routine work, the IRTracer-100 is ideal for analyzing gas, micro contaminants and work requiring analysis in the near-IR and far-IR regions. Applicable markets are pharmaceutical, environment, food, forensics, nanomaterials, chemicals and electronics. It offers full functionality for all FTIR techniques, including transmission, diffuse reflection and attenuated total reflection (ATR), to meet a diverse range of application requirements.
The IRTracer-100 offers a highly stable dynamic alignment mechanism and the robust S/N ratio of 60,000:1 for highly sensitive and accurate measurements. Furthermore, additional detectors, light sources and beam splitters can be added to expand to the far-IR and near-IR regions (overall scan range of 12,500 to 240 cm−1), as well as to achieve more sensitivity with an MCT (Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride) detector. The instrument is also fully suitable for monitoring rapid reactions or in-line gas measurement with the capability to obtain up to 20 spectra/second. In addition, it features an electronic auto drying system which is active even when the unit is not powered on. With the active electronic drying system, the IRTracer-100 provides an airtight interferometer structure that ensures that the optical components are fully protected, maintaining long-term stability.
In addition, with the included advanced LabSolutions IR control software, users can get the most out of the instrument in terms of data acquisition, analysis, data integrity and user administration. With the proper software compliance package, the IRTracer-100 and the software setup can provide total data integrity, user administration and audit trails to fully comply with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.
High Sensitivity, Resolution, and Speed: Techniques to stabilize and optimize the interferometer provide high sensitivity.
LabSolutions IR software has been optimized for network applications, includes an extensive library of spectra, and features a high-performance search function. In addition, Macro functions provide automation and labor savings.
Two main application programs support all analyses.
A wide variety of options to meet every application is available.
Insights into standardized microplastics analysis using infrared microscopy
JASIS 2013 IRTracer-100
IRTracer-100 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer
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