Approaches to Contaminant and Degradation Analysis with FTIR
In this presentation, we introduce the analysis of contaminants in plastics as well as degradation analysis, both using the technique of FTIR.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer Plastic Analysis System
The Plastic Analyzer method package includes an FTIR spectral library for plastics degraded by UV rays and heat. Utilizing searches of this library demonstrates its effectiveness in the analysis of unknown samples that are difficult to identify with standard libraries. Examples include plastics degraded by exposure to UV rays as well as contaminants and defective items altered by heating.
When analyzing plastics, libraries are used to qualify their material properties. However, infrared spectra of plastics that have been denatured (have deteriorated) due to heat or UV rays differ in shape from standard spectra, and qualifying them can sometimes be difficult.
To address this, the Plastic Analyzer includes a deterioration library, so highly accurate qualification can be performed reflecting the state of deterioration.
This library includes more than 300 spectra from the UV degradation of 14 types of plastic. This proprietary Shimadzu library includes the IR spectra for plastics degraded by UV rays for the equivalent of approximately 10 years using a super accelerated weathering chamber from Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd.
This library includes more than 100 spectra from the degradation of 13 types of plastic heated to between 200 and 400 °C. This proprietary Shimadzu library contains IR spectra for plastics degraded by heating, acquired through measurements at the Hamamatsu Technical Support Center at the Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture.
The system includes plastic measurement parameters and IR Pilot, a special program for IRSpirit that simplifies spectral measurements and the creation of reports, enabling analysts to perform everything from the measurement of target samples to data analysis easily. Even users unfamiliar with FTIR analysis can start work immediately.
Never misidentify plastic contaminants! - Plastic Analyzer -
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Introduces Three UV-Vis Spectrophotometers
Shimadzu releases the UV-1900i Plus, UV-2600i Plus, and UV-2700i Plus
March 3-5
Boston Convention Center
Boston, MA
Shimadzu’s New IRSpirit-X Series of Compact FTIR Spectrophotometers Provide High Performance and Sensitivity in a Space-Saving Design
IRSpirit-X is the smallest and lightest FTIR instrument from Shimadzu with a space-saving design that does not compromise on performance or expandability.
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