Easy operation
Higher accuracy and stability
Reagent kit
UV-1280 Spectrophotometer
A solid, compact “monitored” beam single monochromator scanning UV-Vis bench with full featured standalone software. The UV-1280 has a wavelength range from 190 to 1100nm and a photometric range to 3 Abs units. The fixed bandwidth of is 5 nm. Conveniently saves data to USB memory.
The Water Analysis Package offers an easy to use and convenient “User Defined” option for the included 39 analytes. This makes the UV-1280 ideal for use with Standard Methods Parts 3000 and 4000 methods, and suitable for all US water regulatory requirements.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Introduces Three UV-Vis Spectrophotometers
Shimadzu releases the UV-1900i Plus, UV-2600i Plus, and UV-2700i Plus
March 3-5
Boston Convention Center
Boston, MA
Shimadzu’s New IRSpirit-X Series of Compact FTIR Spectrophotometers Provide High Performance and Sensitivity in a Space-Saving Design
IRSpirit-X is the smallest and lightest FTIR instrument from Shimadzu with a space-saving design that does not compromise on performance or expandability.
New AIMsight Infrared Microscope Maximizes Automation to Improve Microsample Analysis
New One-Of-A-Kind AIRsight™ Infrared/Raman Microscope Enables Acquisition of Complementary Molecular Information
New IRXross™ FTIR Spectrophotometer Delivers High-End Sensitivity, Enhanced Resolution and High-Quality Data
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments introduces the IRXross™ Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrophotometer. This mid-level FTIR model achieves upper-end performance including high-level S/N ratio, resolution, measurement speed and ease of use.