Purge and Trap Concentrator Sampler
EST Evolution Purge and Trap Sampler
Environmental Volatiles Analysis by GCMS

To follow US EPA guidelines for analyzing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in water and other environmental samples, the use of a purge and trap is required for extracting and introducing the sample into a GCMS. Laboratories performing EPA methods EPA 524.2, EPA 524.3, or EPA 524.4 in support for complying with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) need to provide their customers reliable data to demonstrate the concentrations of VOCs are below the Maximum Contaminant Levels established in the SDWA. Similarly, laboratories analyzing VOCs environmental samples according to EPA 624 and EPA 8260 in support to the regulatory requirements under the Clean Water Act or the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act need to report results in accordance to strict quality assurance requirements in a timely manner . No matter the EPA method your lab is following for VOCs analysis, a reliable and robust system is required to meet the demands put on the lab such as fast turn-around time. Using the Shimadzu GC-MS coupled to one of a variety of purge and trap units, the laboratory will be focused on productivity instead of the performance or robustness of the GC-MS for achieving and maintaining quality assurance criteria outlined in the corresponding environmental method.
News / Events
ASMS 2025
June 1-5
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MD -
March 3-5
Boston Convention Center
Boston, MA -
Shimadzu’s New Next-Generation GCMS Provides Outstanding Sensitivity, Stability and Speed
SOFT 2022
October 30 - November 4
Cleveland Convention Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Booth # 714
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments and PACE Analytical Services Develop New Alternative Test Procedure to EPA Method 1613B