UHPLC combined with mass spectrometry can serve as a powerful tool for many types of pharmaceutical analysis. But this power can come at a cost of complexity. With walk up solutions like Open Solutions and Nexlab, Shimadzu brings ease and simplicity to complex analyses. User friendly design allows for complex analysis and method development, without the need to spend weeks learning new software.

Walk up software allows multiple users to easily share a single instrument without the need to learn cumbersome software. Users login, choose their sample location graphically in the tray, set target mass(es) and submit. Instrument queues are managed automatically, including the ability to prioritize samples. Result reports are automatically sent to users via email, as are any instrument condition alerts. For method development tasks, column equilibration and solvent switches are managed for the user, and customizable reporting provides at-a-glance results.

Open Solutions

Open Solutions for Medicinal Chemistry

To assist the synthetic chemist, our Open Solutions software pairs with multi-tray UHPLC autosamplers and robust single-quadrupole mass spectrometers to provide a platform that is powerful and reliable, while being easy to use.  In just a few clicks, samples are logged in, target m/z selected, and runs submitted to the batch.  Users can dedicate their time and focus to creating new therapeutics and modalities, rather than complex software.

Open Access LCMS System

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