ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry) 2024
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Event Details

June 2-6
Booth: #101
Suite: Marquis Ballroom Center in the Anaheim Marriott
Anaheim, CA
ASMS Conference Page
Breakfast Seminar Room: Room 204A
Mon-Wed, June 3-5; Room 213A - Thu,
June 6 in the Anaheim Convention Center
Breakfast Seminars
Monday, June 3rd
Title: Tackling Metabolic Disease Research at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center: The Indispensable Nature of Mass Spectrometry Technologies.
Speaker: Ruth Gordillo, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Director Metabolic Phenotyping Core
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Internal Medicine
Touchstone Diabetes Center
Speaker: Ruth Gordillo, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Director Metabolic Phenotyping Core
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Internal Medicine
Touchstone Diabetes Center
Tuesday, June 4th
Title: Ultrasensitive Detection and Quantification of Oxygenated Compounds in Complex Samples Using GC-combustion-MS
Speaker: Pierre Giusti
Analytical Chemistry Specialist – TotalEnergies
Speaker: Pierre Giusti
Analytical Chemistry Specialist – TotalEnergies
Wednesday, June 5th
Title: Advanced sample preparation for MS Imaging: From saving resources to overcoming research biases
Speaker: Martina Marchetti-Deschmann
TU Wien, Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Getreidemarkt 9/164, Vienna, Austria;
Speaker: Martina Marchetti-Deschmann
TU Wien, Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Getreidemarkt 9/164, Vienna, Austria;
Thursday, June 6th
Title: Coupled Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry in the Food Analysis Laboratory: Theory and Applications.
Speaker: Dan Hengst
Principal Scientist
Eurofins Food Chemistry Testing Madison
Speaker: Dan Hengst
Principal Scientist
Eurofins Food Chemistry Testing Madison
Featured Products
Posters and Presentations
Posters that are available to download have a clickable title. Unfortunately, not all posters are available to download.
MP 031 | Simultaneous Quantitative and Exploratory Analysis of Phytocannabinoids in C. sativa Produced Locally by Brazilian Associations using the LCMS-9030; Luis O Junqueira1; Isabel V C Fulchini2; Joice R Dos Santos2, 3; Marcos A Pudenzi1; Diogo Oliveira-Silva2; Ichiro Hirano1; Shimadzu do Brasil, Barueri, Brazil |
MP 045 | Targeted quantitative screening pesticides in food matrices using high resolution DIA spectral library matching; Alan Barnes1; Raquel Leonardo2; Emily G Armitage1; Jonathan McGeehan3; Steve Williams2; Neil J Loftus1; Shimadzu Corporation, Manchester, United Kingdom |
MP 163 | Rapid and highly sensitive quantitation of Microcystins and Nodularin in water by modern LC-MS/MS; Kate (Xiaomeng) Xia1; Evelyn Wang1; Ruth Marfil-Vega1; Yoshiyuki Okamura1; Tairo Ogura1; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
MP 166 | Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Aqueous Samples: Performance Demonstration of EPA Method 1633 Using High Sensitivity Mass Spectrometry; Megan P. Davis1 , Om K. Shrestha2 , Kathleen K. Luo2 , Landon A. Wiest 2 , Evelyn H. Wang2 , Michelle Zipse2 , Keith Herman2 Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
MP 205 | Ultra-Sensitive Dynamic Headspace GC-MS/MS method for trace level quantitation of Nitrosamines in Deferiprone API;Durvesh Sawant1; Hemant Kesarkar1; Sanket Chiplunkar1; Prashant Hase1; Aseem Wagle1; Rahul Dwivedi1; Siddhata Jadhav1; Jitendra Kelkar1; Pratap Rasam1; Satyendra Singh1; Mohit Sharma1; Shimadzu Analytical (India) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India |
MP 206 | Simultaneous determination of known and unknown Extractables in pharmaceuticals packaging material by tandem mass spectrometry using Scan-MRM mode;Hemant Kesarkar1; Sanket Chiplunkar1; Prashant Hase1; Durvesh Sawant1; Aseem Rajan Wagle1; Rahul Dwivedi1; Siddhata Jadhav1; Satyendra Singh1; Mohit Sharma1; Pratap Rasam1; Jitendra Kelkar1; 1Shimadzu Analytical (India) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India |
MP 220 | Identification of Double-Bond Position in Cyclic Ester using OAD-TOF system; Yohei Arao1; Jun Kurabe2; Hidenori Takahashi1; Akihiro Kawaraya2; Shimadzu Corporation, Nakagyo-ku, Japan |
MP 261 | In-Source Reactivity Mass Spectrometry: Revealing Reactive Species through High-Resolution Characterization; Bessem BRAHIM1; Alban HUTEAU1; Thierry LEGOUPIL1; Shimadzu, Noisiel, France |
MP 477 | Aza-Prilezhaev Aziridination-Enabled Multidimensional Analysis of Isomeric Lipids via High-Resolution U-Shaped Mobility Analyzer-Mass Spectrometry; Yuling Li1; Yiming Wang1; Kang Guo1; Kuofeng Tseng1; Xiaoqiang Zhang1; Wenjian Sun1; Shimadzu Research Laboratory (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China |
MP 479 | Identification of Double Bond Positions in Ceramides from the Stratum Corneum Using OAD-TOF System; Yohei Arao1; Mami Okamoto1; Hidenori Takahashi1; Shimadzu Corporation, Nakagyo-ku, Japan |
MP 485 | Lipid Characterization Using MS Imaging and LCMS in Liver of a Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis (MASH) Mouse Model;; Doug Carlton1; Jeff Dahl1; Ruth Gordillo2; Toshiya Matsubara1; Christine Kusminski2; Kyounghee Min2; Philipp E Scherer2; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
MP 490 | Identification of positional isomers of linoleic acid containing phospholipids involved in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; Emily G Armitage1; Alan Barnes1; Elon Correa2; Sén Takeda3; Wen Chung4; Neil J Loftus1; Shimadzu Corporation, Manchester, United Kingdom |
MP 508 | MRM based free fatty acids profiling in human plasma using LC-MS/MS; Yuki Suzuki1; Naoko Nagano2; Takahiro Goda1; Masaki Yamada3; SHIMADZU Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan |
MP 628 | High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and LC-UV Data Streams Applied to Characterizing Oligonucleotide Impurities; Kosuke Uchiyama1; Noriko Kato1; Takeshi Nomura1; Hiroyuki Yasuda1; Simon Ashton2; Richard Price2; Helen Jose2; Neil Loftus2; Kiyoshi Kakiya3; Kazutoshi Kishi3; Yuka Fujito1; Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan |
MP 794 | Determination of Nitrosamine Impurities and NDSRI in Anti-diabetic Drugs on Shimadzu LCMS-8060NX; Shao Hua Chia1; Siew Qi Yap1; Zhi Wei Edwin Ting1; Shimadzu (Asia Pacific), Singapore, Singapore |
MP 803 | Highly Sensitive and Selective Method for Estimation of Formoterol at Sub-pg/mL in Human Plasma Using Shimadzu LCMS-8060NX ; Avinash B Gaikwad1; Chaitanya Krishna Atmakuri1; Yogesh G Arote1; 1ADC-Shimadzu Analytical India Pvt Ltd, NAVI MUMBAI, India |
TP 018 | DPiMS-MS (PESI) combined with vacuum differential mobility spectrometry for rapid clinical/forensic analysis; Gordon C Kearney1; Patrick Knight1; Andrew Entwistle1; Franck SAINT-MARCOUX2; Pauline GRIFFEUILLE2; Souleiman EL BALKHI2; Ann-Christin Ann-Christin Niehoff3; Stephane Moreau3; Shimadzu Research Laboratory (Europe) Ltd., Manchester, United Kingdom |
TP 076 | Systematic Study of Techniques to Minimize PFAS Background Interferences; Om K Shrestha1; Kathleen K Luo1; Megan Davis1; Landon A Wiest1; Evelyn H Wang1; Xiaomeng Xia1; Keith Herman1; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
TP 091 | Analysis of PFAS in Potable Water by Direct Injection Using the LCMS-8060NX; Luis O Junqueira1; Marcos A Pudenzi1; Lucas L Zanin1; Ichiro Hirano1; Shimadzu do Brasil, Barueri, Brazil |
TP 093 | Analysis of PFAS in water using Head-Space Solid Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (HS-SPME GCMS); Andy Sandy1; Evelyn Wang1; Yoshiyuki Okamura1; Ruth Marfil-Vega1; Alan Owens1; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
TP 193 | Ultra-fast Multiplexed LC/MS/MS Using Newly Designed Online SPE Column for the Simultaneous Analysis of Steroid Hormones in Human Serum; Eishi IMOTO1; Vikki JOHNSON2; Logan MILLER1; Toshiya MATSUBARA1; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
TP 198 | Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation-Immunohistochemistry (MALDI-IHC) Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Human Tonsil using an Entry-Level Benchtop MALDI-TOF Platform; Caroline Jones; Simona Salivo; Matthew Openshaw; Kratos Analytical Ltd., Manchester, United Kingdom |
TP 297 | Development of oxygen attachment dissociation (OAD)-TOF system incorporating a modified collision cell; Yuta Miyazaki1; Tomoya Kudo1; Ryosuke Nara1; Hidenori Takahashi1; Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan |
TP 384 | Novel Ion Fragmentation for Detailed Lipid Structural Analysis via Atomic Hydrogen/Oxygen Irradiation (HAD/OAD); Hidenori Takahashi1; Yohei Arao1; Kaoru Nakagawa1; Yuta Miyazaki1; Takanari Hattori1; Natsuyo Asano1; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan |
TP 395 | Oxygen Attachment Dissociation (OAD) MS/MS for the structural identification of double-bond positions in different lipid classes associated with alcohol toxicity; Emily G Armitage1; Paolo Redegalli2; Alan Barnes1; Olga Deda3; Thomas Meikopoulos3; Christina Virgiliou3; Helen Gika3; Neil J Loftus1; Shimadzu Italia S.r.l., Milano, Italy |
TP 401 | Screening of organic acids for nutritional and metabolic profiling from dried urine spots using Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer; Aseem Rajan Wagle1; Prashant Hase1; Bhaumik Trivedi1; Sanket Chiplunkar1; Durvesh Sawant1; Rahul Dwivedi1; Hemant Kesarkar1; Mohit Sharma1; Satyendra Singh1; Pratap Rasam1; Jitendra Kelkar1; Shimadzu Analytical India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India |
TP 550 | Oligonucleotides characterization using single quadrupole mass spectrometer for quality control; Udara Jayasundara1; Vikki Johnson1; Stephen Kurzyniec1; Evelyn Wang2; Yoshiyuki Okamura2; Shimadzu scientific instruments, Carlsbad, CA |
TP 616 | Distribution analysis of related substances to elucidate the function of phytoalexins in plant-pathogen interactions; Kaoru Nakagawa1; Koji Okuda1; Eriko Betsuyaku2; Toshiya Matsubara3; Shigeyuki Betsuyaku2; Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan |
TP 778 | Characterization of new psychoactive substances using high resolution mass spectrometry structural assignment software; Alan Barnes1; Peter Schein2; David I Dixon3; Molly F Millea3; Emily G Armitage1; Ben Barrett4; Ryan E Mewis3; Oliver B Sutcliffe3; Neil J Loftus1; Shimadzu Deutschland GmbH, Duisburg, Germany |
TP 794 | Rapid, Sensitive and Direct Quantitation of Tiotropium at sub-pg/mL in Plasma using Shimadzu LCMS-8060NX; Yogesh G Arote1; Avinash B Gaikwad1; Chaitanya Krishna A1; 1ADC-Shimadzu Analytical India Pvt Ltd, NAVI MUMBAI, India |
WP 082 | Development of an IP-MALDI Method for Analyzing Endogenous Tau Fragments in Cerebrospinal Fluid; Kaushi Ohta1; Yusaku Hioki1; Rie Yamamoto1; Masaki Murase1; Koichi Tanaka1; Shimadzu Corporation, Nakagyo-ku, Japan |
WP 119 | Development of a blood-based multiplex sensitive LC-MS method for neurodegenerative diseases patient stratification : towards an innovative diagnostic tool; Florine Leipp1, 2; Jérôme Vialaret2; Aurore Jaffuel3; Ann-Christin Niehoff4; Sylvain Lehmann2; Christophe Hirtz2; Shimadzu France, Noisiel, France |
WP 174 | Collection of trace blood using dedicated device and simultaneous analysis of immunosuppressive drugs in whole blood samples; Takahiro Goda1; Yuki Suzuki2; Junichi Masuda2; Natsuka Kimura3; Kenichi Aizawa3; SHIMADZU Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan |
WP 175 | Validation of a new fully automated assay of Thiamine-PyroPhosphate and Pyridixal-5-Phosphate in whole blood using LC-MS/MS; Joep Vuurpijl1; Dennis Van Den Heuvel2; Chantal Wilbers1; Rein Hoedemakers1; Tom Stokhof De Jong2; Shimadzu Benelux, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands |
WP 193 | Quantitation of endogenous steroids in serum using plasma separation cards and triple quadruple mass spectrometry; Vikki Johnson1; Nicholas Chestara2; Yoshiyuki Okamura3; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Carlsbad, CA |
WP 257 | Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Water using Headspace-GCMS in Accordance with US EPA Method 8260D; Elvi Horiyanto1; Chun Kiang Chua1; Elgin Guo Wei Ting1; Cynthia Lahey1; Shimadzu AP, Singapore, Singapore |
WP 269 | Using a Compact Single Quadrupole LC-MS for PFAS Analysis; Kathleen K Luo1; Om K Shrestha1; Megan P Davis1; Landon A Wiest1; Evelyn H Wang1; Michelle Zipse1; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
WP 276 | Quantification of 8 chlorination Disinfectant byproducts (DBPs) from water using liquid-liquid extraction and Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry; Jessin Mathai1; Shailesh Damale2; Anant Lohar2; Shimadzu, Dubai, United Arab Emirates |
WP 280 | Utilization of Automated Solvent Extraction with a Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer following EPA Method 1633 for PFAS Analysis in Soil; Landon A Wiest1; Om K Shrestha1; Benedict Liu2; Kathleen K Luo1; Megan Davis1; Evelyn H Wang1; Alicia Stell2; Ruth Marfil-Vega1; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
WP 281 | A single and straightforward method for VOCs analysis: Water quality analysis; Ricardo Tamashiro Reis1; Ana Caroline Martimiano1; Isabela de Oliveira e Silva1; Rodrigo Ossamu Saga Kitamura1; Shimadzu do Brasil, Barueri, Brazil |
WP 282 | Development of a LCMS Methodology to Characterize and Quantitate Fluorinated Compounds in Consumer Product; Michael Deible1; Logan Miller2; Rachel Hale1; William Lipps2; 1RJ Lee Group, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 2Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
WP 419 | Developing a regulatory compliant solution for nominal and accurate mass LC-MS spectrometry analysis in oligonucleotide therapeutics; Kosuke Uchiyama1; Risa Suzuki1; Noriko Kato1; Yuka Fujito1; Neil J Loftus2; Simon Ashton2; Stephane Moreau3; Shimadzu Europa GmbH, Duisburg, Germany |
WP 425 | Integrated Data Analysis of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Using LC-MS, LC-MS/MS and MALDI techniques; Nishi Rochelle1; Neil J Loftus2; Simon Ashton2; Kosuke Uchiyama3; Risa Suzuki3; Takashi Nishikaze3; Yuka Fujito3; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
WP 435 | Prototype Development of a Digital Linear Ion Trap based Palmtop Mass Spectrometer; Saifei CHEN1; Yongkai CAI1; Lin LIU1; Hongbing CHENG1; Qiao JIN1; Yuanyuan HUANG1; Wenjian SUN1; Shimadzu Research Laboratory (Shanghai) Co.Ltd., Shanghai, China |
WP 568 | Morpholino antisense oligonucleotides analyses using a compact matrix-assisted laser-desorption/ionization digital-ion-trap mass spectrometer (MALDI-DIT-MS) ; Yuko Fukuyama1; Sadanori Sekiya1; Shinichi Iwamoto1; Koichi Tanaka1; Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan |
WP 578 | Impurity Profiling and Characterization of Therapeutic Oligonucleotides using Nominal Mass Spectrometry on a Single Quadrupole LC-UV-MS system; Risa Suzuki1; Kosuke Uchiyama2; Noriko Kato2; Simon Ashton3; Neil J Loftus3; Yuka Fujito2; SHIMADZU Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan |
WP 579 | Rapid monitoring of the purification process of oligonucleotide impurities using a benchtop MALDI-TOF MS system; Takashi Nishikaze1; Kosuke Uchiyama1; Risa Suzuki2; Junji Kawakami3; Takao Inoue4; Satoshi Obika5; Yoshihiro Hayakawa1; Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan |
WP 610 | Sub-Picogram Level Bio-Analytical Method for Quantification of Desmopressin in Human Plasma Using LCMS-8060NX; Chaitanya Krishna Atmakuri1; Avinash B Gaikwad1; Yogesh G Arote1; 1ADC-Shimadzu Analytical India Pvt Ltd, NAVI MUMBAI, India |
ThP 149 | Analyzing Senolytic Compounds induced Cellular Senescence Response using a Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer; Evelyn H. Wang1; Stephen Kurzyniec1; Yoshiyuki Okamura1; Yang Yang2; Dongwen Lyu2; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
ThP 171 | 24/7 fully automated therapeutic drug analysis for research projects by LC/MS/MS; Aurore Jaffuel1; Frank Streit2; Kohei Yoshikawa1; Shimadzu Corporation, Nakagyo-ku, Japan |
ThP 173 | Trace level determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in blood plasma using GC-MS/MS; Santosh Kumar Bhardwaj1; Satyendra Pratap Singh Thakur2; Mohit Sharma1; Jitendra Kelkar2; Pratap Rasam1; Shimadzu Analytical (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India |
ThP 178 | Quantitation of free amino acids in human plasma by Single Quadrupole LC-MS; TUNA ONCU1; Oben Arslan1; Ugur Seker1; Huseyin Akpinar1; Shimadzu Middle East and Africa FZE Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey |
ThP 250 | Development of a high-resolution MRM quantitative method for pesticides in apple, honey, olive oil, orange and tomato food matrices; Alan Barnes1; Raquel Leonardo2; Emily G Armitage1; Jonathan McGeehan3; Steve Williams2; Neil J Loftus1; Shimadzu Corporation, Manchester, United Kingdom |
ThP 258 | Method Validation for Determining 513 Pesticide Residues in Cucumber Using LCMS-8060NX and 308 Residues by GCMS-TQ8040NX; Anant Lohar1; Rakan Saad Abdullah Alajmi2; Hatim Zaid Ali Alhazmi2; Sarah Awwadh Sultan Alotaibi2; Jayachandran Namasivayam3; Shailesh Damale1; Jessin Mathai1; Shimadzu Middle East and Africa FZE, Dubai, United Arab Emirates |
ThP 262 | Sulfite Quantification in Foods and Beverages Using Single Quadrupole LC-MS; Saho Yoshioka1; Nozomi Maeshima1; Dominika Gruszecka2; Landon Wiest2; Ryo Yamaguchi1; Manami Kobayashi1; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
ThP 263 | Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Fish Fillet with LC-MS/MS ; Kota Ishioka1; Nozomi Maeshima1; Toshiya Matsubara2; Manami Kobayashi1; SHIMADZU Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan |
ThP 264 | Simultaneous Analysis of Pesticides in Food With GC-MS/MS Using Hydrogen Carrier Gas; Nozomi Maeshima1; Kyoko Yamada1; Yoshihiro Saito1; Dominika Gruszecka2; Alan Owens2; Manami Kobayashi1; SHIMADZU Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan |
ThP 265 | Determination of mycotoxins in dry feed for small animals; Laudicéia Alves De Oliveira1; Marcelo Viana De Moraes2; Edivaldo Domingues Velini2, 3; Ichiro Hirano1; Marcos Albieri Pudenzi1; Shimadzu do Brasil, Barueri, Brazil |
ThP 267 | Reliable determination of anionic polar pesticides in fruits and vegetables by using LC-MS/MS; Samruddha Chavan1; Nitin Shukla1; Nitish Ramchandra Suryawanshi1; Nilesh Patil1; Ramesh Manigiri1; Shraddha Kadam1; Jitendra Kelkar1; Pratap Rasam1; Shimadzu Analytical (India) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India |
ThP 285 | Application of a novel screening workflow for the detection of illicit and medicinal drugs in human hair ; Emily G Armitage1; Thomas Brema2; Christopher Bowen3; Alan Barnes1; Rohan Steel4; Neil J Loftus1; Shimadzu Deutschland GmbH, Duisburg, Germany |
ThP 347 | Ensuring food safety through the study of potential extractables and leachables in roasted coffee packaging by ultra-sensitive Headspace GC-MS; Ana Caroline Martimiano1; Rodrigo Ossamu Saga Kitamura1; Isabela de Oliveira e Silva1; Ricardo Tamashiro Reis1; Shimadzu do Brasil, Barueri, Brazil |
ThP 364 | Novel High Sensitivity Detector for GC/MS; Hiroki Kannen1; Shun Kogiso2; Yoshiro Hiramatsu3; Alan Owens3; Masaru Nishiguchi2; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan |
ThP 401 | Development of the high sensitivity and high resolution post processing methods for biopharmaceutical analyses with multi-turn TOF-MS; Yusuke Tateishi1; Hiroko Morinaga1; Hiroyuki Miura1; Koichi Kimura1; Masaru Nishiguchi1; Atsuhiko Toyama1; Osamu Furuhashi1; Daisuke Okumura1; Tairo Ogura2; Yuki Yamaguchi3; Susumu Uchiyama3; Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan |
ThP 407 | Characterization of Monoclonal Antibody (mAbs) using Shimadzu Q-TOF LCMS 9030; Shannie Tay1; Max Kosok1; Shimadzu (Asia Pacific), Singapore, Singapore |
ThP 426 | MS Imaging Spectrum Annotation Tool using Accurate Mass and Isotope Pattern Analysis; Jeff Dahl1; Toshiya Matsubara1; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD |
ThP 474 | MS imaging enabling visualization of lipid C=C positional isomers in biological tissues using Oxygen Attachment Dissociation (OAD); Kaoru Nakagawa1; Hidenori Takahashi1; Satoshi Kasamatsu1; Kengo Takeshita1; Manami Kobayashi2; Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan |
ThP 576 | An Alternative Approach for NDMA Quantification in Metformin Final Product by LC/MS Single Quadrupole; Lucas Lima Zanin1; Marcos Albieri Pudenzi1; Ichiro Hirano2; Shimadzu do Brasil, Barueri, Brazil |
ThP 590 | Determination of Paraquat in Drinking Water by LCMS-2050; Marilia Santoro Cardoso1; Marcos A Pudenzi2; Luisa B Ambrosio2; Ichiro Hirano2; Shimadzu do Brasil, Barueri - SP, Brazil |
ThP 591 | Simultaneous quantitation of N-nitrosamines and NDSRIs in formulation samples by using a DUIS ionization source in LC-MS/MS; Nitish Ramchandra Suryawanshi1; Samruddha Chavan1; Nitin Shukla1; Devika Tupe1; Siddhesh Ghadi1; Shalu Nair1; Jitendra Kelkar1; Pratap Rasam1; Shimadzu Analytical (India) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India |
ThP 644 | Exchange of Buffer System for MALDI-MS Analysis of Oligonucleotides without Desalting; Andreas Baumeister1; Ido Bachelet2; Ronen Weiss2; Shimadzu Europa GmbH, Duisburg, Germany |
Speaker: Gordon Kearney
Session: Workshop
Title: Mon 11 Sustainability - Challenges & Perspectives for Mass Spectrometry
Date: Monday June 3
Time: 17:45 - 19:00
Location: Ballroom C (Level 3)
Presider: Ruth Marfil-Vega
Session: Workshop
Title: Non-Targeted Analysis: Building bridges among mass spectrometrists
Date: Wednesday June 6
Time: 17:45 - 19:00
Location: 208AB (Level 2)