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Medicinal Chemistry

In the drug development process, the synthesis, evaluation, and purification of new therapeutic candidates is the vital function of discovery and medicinal chemistry. Once your targets have been determined, you need the tools to quickly create and purify drug candidates to inform both upstream and downstream decisions. Shimadzu provides solutions tailored to the workflows needed in a demanding pre-clinical environment, including walk-up UHPLC reaction monitoring, analytical method development with automated UHPLC/SFC switching, and preparative LC and SFC.
Open Solutions
To assist the synthetic chemist, our Open Solutions software pairs with multi-tray UHPLC autosamplers and robust single-quadrupole mass spectrometers to provide a platform that is powerful and reliable, while being easy to use. In just a few clicks, samples are logged in, target m/z selected, and runs submitted to the batch. Users can dedicate their time and focus to creating new therapeutics and modalities, rather than complex software.
Open Access LCMS System
Nexera UHPLC and Nexera UC SFC
The flexibility of the Nexera series of UHPLC along with the analytical Nexera UC SFC allow Shimadzu to open method development possibilities that can shorten your time to evaluate and deliver drug candidates for further development. We understand the challenges of difficult separations, and the need to provide purification of chiral compounds. The Method Scouting Solution software automates the tedious method creation process, allowing easy screening of 12 columns and a nearly boundless number of solvents and gradients. With the capability to integrate UHPLC and SFC in a single system, and automate the phase transition with Method Scouting Solution, we offer a new way to think about scale-up method development.
Efficient Method Development Using the UHPLC/SFC Switching System
Nexera UC Prep
Shimadzu entered the analytical SFC realm in 2014 with the launch of the Nexera UC analytical system, and brought innovative, patented new technology to the field. The same reliability and control developed for our analytical SFC is now available for your preparative needs. Nexera UC Prep was designed in collaboration with a leading technology consortium, guided and refined by pharmaceutical users at some of the world’s largest drug makers. Through this partnership, we have created a system that is easy to use, benchtop friendly, and based on revolutionary gas-liquid separation technology, the patented LotusStream separator. See how Shimadzu can help you increase yield, optimize lab space, and examine the best collection workflow to meet your SFC purification needs.
Semi Preparative Supercritical Fluid Chromatography System
Nexera LC Prep
Whether your LC purification tasks use reverse phase, normal phase, or ion-exchange conditions, the Nexera LC Prep lineup has a solution that fits your needs. With core technologies for liquid-handling and multiplexed fraction collection, Shimadzu can help automate purification and re-analysis for purity at the scale you need to maintain an efficient and productive lab. With up to 4-channel signal discrimination logic, compatibility with mass spectrometry, and the only instrument software that can control analytical and preparative UHPLC and SFC, LabSolutions, see how you can benefit from integrating Nexera LC Prep into your lab.
Featured Applications
Seamless Purification for Drug Discovery with Screening, Preparative, and Purity check
In a drug discovery laboratory, the synthesis, screening and purification of target compounds are performed. These steps take significant time thus, a total workflow improvement is required. This article introduces the novel automation in Drug Discovery workflow for target screening, preparative, and purity check with Nexera Prep, which is integrated LC/MS analytical & preparative switching system.
Preparative Purification of Ibuprofen and Related Substances by Nexera UFPLC
Preparation and purification by liquid chromatography is a widely-used technique in the pharmaceutical, food, and chemical industries for drug synthesis, finding effective compounds in natural products, and for structural analysis of unknown trace compounds. Nexera UFPLC enables substantial labor savings in preparative purification by automating not only the fractionation of the target compound but also related processes such as concentration, purification, and recovery. This article describes an example of preparative purification of a mixed sample of the pharmaceutical ibuprofen and its analogues using Nexera UFPLC.
Highly Effective Purification of Drug Compounds
High throughput purification is required in various fields. Preparative LC is widely used for purification of compounds., but it takes a long time. Additionally, high consumption of organic solvents leads to ineffective running cost. Here, we introduce a high throughput and low running cost preparative SFC purification.
Improved Efficiency of Isomer Preparative Operations by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Stacked Injection
Preparative processes are used in a wide variety of fields, such as for selectively screening seed or lead compounds from newly synthesized compounds, or for structural analysis of impurities in pharmaceuticals or components with specific functional properties in natural substances. Preparative supercritical fluid chromatography (preparative SFC) is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry and many other fields because it can shorten analysis times and simplify post-processing. For analysis involving a limited number of peaks, such as when separating isomers of chiral compounds, stacked injection can improve the efficiency of preparative purification. This report describes an example of using the stacked injection functionality of the Nexera UC Prep preparative supercritical fluid chromatograph system to improve the efficiency of preparative operations.
Improving Separation and Method Development Efficiency Using the Nexera UC/s UHPLC/SFC Switching System
Pharmaceuticals, foods, environmental testing, and many other fields require a wide variety of separation methods, such as for separating chiral compounds and structural isomers. Due to the difference in separation selectivity between ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) using supercritical carbon dioxide and organic solvents, SFC has been highly anticipated in recent years as a new separation method. By combining both UHPLC and SFC, the Nexera UC/s UHPLC/SFC switching system enables both UHPLC and SFC analysis using a single system. Since SFC has different separation characteristics than UHPLC, it can improve separation between isomers. By using two separation methods, UHPLC and SFC, for screening during the method development process, the system can result in configuring superior analytical conditions more quickly.
News / Events
ASMS 2025
June 1-5
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MD -
AAPS Pharm Sci 360 2024
October 21-23
Salt Palace Convention Center
Salt Lake City, Utah
Booth #2107
ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry) 2024
June 2-6
Anaheim Convention Center
Anaheim, California
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Opens R&D Center
These forward-focused R&D centers will enable us to closely collaborate with customers and stakeholders to develop products that meet tomorrow’s analytical laboratory needs and swiftly deliver these solutions to the marketplace.