LabSolutions UV-Vis - Features

Analytical Data System for UV-Vis Spectrophotometers

Simple, easy to use for everyone

From the start, the software's user-friendliness allows users to perform operations with ease.
With extensive features, LabSolutions UV-Vis meets a wide range of users' expectations.

Simple Design

Four Measurement Modes

  • It permits four measurement modes: spectrum, quantitative, photometric, and time course.
  • Users can open multiple measurement modes at the same time, so that data analysis can be performed in one mode while collecting data in another mode.


  • Post-measurement correction of waveform, peak detection, and printing can be done automatically.
  • Sample names to analyze are collected and read from a CSV file in advance.
  • In quantitative measurement and photometric measurement, samples to be re-measured can be set up with ease.



  • Horizontal axis of the spectral graph can be set to wavelength, wavenumber or energy.
  • Fine adjustments can be made with one click on the graph scale.
  • Graphs can be easily pasted into other applications as bitmap images.




Smart Optimize quality control

In addition to providing measurement and analysis results, judgment results are also provided.

With this feature, LabSolutions UV-Vis enables users to maintain a product's quality.

Spectra Evaluation Function

Spectra Evaluation Function

  • Evaluation conditions can be saved to a file.
  • Operations from measurement to judgement can be performed automatically.
  • Evaluation results report can be printed with one click.

Case 1: Validation Test in Drug Development

  • Peak exists in the 270 to 280 nm range.
  • Peak does not exist in the range > 320 nm.
  • Only one peak exists in the 260 to 300 nm range.
  • The peak intensity is > 0.45 Abs.

Case 1: Validation Test in Drug Development

Case 2: Quality Inspection of UV Cut Filter

  • The first wavelength is < 550 nm when transmittance exceeds 50%.
  • Maximum transmittance below 400 nm is < 1.0 %.
  • Minimum transmittance above 550 nm is > 80.0 %.
  • Average transmittance above 550 nm is > 85.0 %.

Case 2: Quality Inspection of UV Cut Filter

Seamless easy transfer of measurement data

  • Users want to export measurement data immediately in text format,
  • and import for analysis in other software, such as Excel.

Other Convenient Functions

Predict the Time Required for Scanning

Predict the Time Required for Scanning

Display the Concentration Data in Real Time

Display the Concentration Data in Real Time

Automatically Set the Optimal Parameter for Peak Detection

Automatically Set the Optimal Parameter for Peak Detection

Easy to Transfer Data Processing Table

Easy to Transfer Data Processing Table

LabSolutions is a trademark of Shimadzu Corporation.

Excel is either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.

Improving Data Integrity of Spectrometers

Why is Data Integrity Important

Data integrity refers to the completeness of data, with nothing missing or inconsistent. In other words, not only the data itself but also the metadata (the results of work that require human intervention such as specifying conditions and analyzing data) must be presented in a visible form and verified together.

Nowadays more and more data are recorded electronically with the aid of modern instruments and computers. It becomes imperative to set criteria and guidelines for keeping the integrity of electronic data. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued regulations pursuantto Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Part 11 (21 CFR Part 11) on August 20, 1997. These regulations define the criteria under which electronice records and electronic signatures are considered to be trustworthy, reliable and equivalent to paper records with handwritten signatures. They also provide guidelines for submission of electronic records to the FDA. Making the spectrometer operations 21 CFR Part 11 compliant is of key importance to maintain data integrity for many corporations today.

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