Green House Gas Analysis
Green House Gas Analysis
Greenhouse gases are those that are found in the atmosphere that induce the greenhouse effect, which is an absorbance and emission of infrared energy emitted by the Earth. As sunlight strikes the surface of the Earth, some of the infrared light is reflected into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases absorb that infrared energy and reflect it back towards the Earth. This gas chromatograph system enables the easy qualitative and quantitative analysis of three major greenhouse gases: methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide. The GC-2014 system is also available for some applications.
System | 220-90804-30 | 220-90804-24 | 220-94937-30 | 220-94937-24 |
Green House Gas Analyzer Lineup | N2O >50 ppb CH4, CO2, CO > 0.5 ppm |
N2O >50 ppb CH4, CO2, CO > 1 ppm |
N2O >50 ppb CH4, CO2, CO > 0.5 ppm H2, N2, O2 > 100 ppm |
N2O >50 ppb CH4, CO2, CO > 0.5 ppm N2, O2 > 100 ppm |
Analysis Time | 3.5 min | 12 min | 8 min | 17 min |
News / Events
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Moody Gardens Convention Center
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Booth # 2931
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Gulf Coast 2022
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Moody Gardens Convention Center
Galveston, Texas
Booth # 403