Smart Pesticides Database
Database for GC-MS and GC-MS/MS

Smart Pesticides Database Ver. 2 is a residual pesticides database for GC-MS/MS Analysis, supports the Creation of Methods for MRM and SIM Mode Analysis of Residual Pesticides in Foods.
Smart Pesticides Database contains the retention indices and transitions for 530 pesticides. Ver. 2 additionally contains measurement...
A printed handbook of the recommended pretreatment protocol is provided (C146-E333), allowing customers to try...
Analysis can be performed smoothly on different columns without interrupting the MS vacuum by simultaneously attaching the mass spectrometer to...
News / Events
ASMS 2025
June 1-5
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MD -
March 3-5
Boston Convention Center
Boston, MA -
Shimadzu’s New Next-Generation GCMS Provides Outstanding Sensitivity, Stability and Speed
SOFT 2022
October 30 - November 4
Cleveland Convention Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Booth # 714
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments and PACE Analytical Services Develop New Alternative Test Procedure to EPA Method 1613B