Equipped with advanced image processing technology, these easy-to-use medical systems reduce the stress on patients. They contribute to the early detection and treatment of cancer and other diseases in medical facilities throughout the world.

Medical Systems and Equipment

Angiography / Fluoroscopy / Mobile C-arm / Mobile X-ray / Radiography / Fluorescence Imaging

Standard System for X-Ray Diagnostic Imaging

General radiography systems are used for whole-body diagnostic imaging of bone fractures, pneumonia, and so on. In recent years, applications of image processing technology have grown, and its use is expanding.

Achieving a Healthy and Long Life

This single system can be used for diagnostic imaging of internal organs and bone disorders, which are increasing due to aging populations. It can support not only digestive organs or urinary organs examinations, but also various orthopedic diagnoses with advanced applications.

Mobile Diagnostic Imaging Anywhere in the Hospital

This system enables radiography to be performed at bedside, in an emergency room, or at other locations in hospitals so that the patient’s condition can be confirmed quickly and on-the-spot. The system can also be used during major disasters.

Used to Diagnose Mental Disorder or for Stroke Rehabilitation

functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System

functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System

This can assist in diagnosing depression, which is considered a mental disorder, by using near-infrared light to measure brain activity. It can also be used to support rehabilitation by providing visualization of brain activity.

Support for Catheterization during Cardiovascular Disease or Stroke Treatments

In catheterization procedures that expand narrowed blood vessels, Shimadzu’s unique image processing technology is used to provide support for treatment that is safe and minimizes stress on the patient.

Women’s Health

Dedicated Breast PET System

Dedicated Breast PET System

About one in eleven Japanese women will get breast cancer. This system examines patients in the prone position. By detecting cancers when they are small, the system enables early treatment.

Medical Systems Website